Heartworm and Flea Prevention Choices

Southeast Georgia has no shortage of parasites, both internal and external.
Our climate is ideal for the life cycles of many of the common parasites that can harm our pets. Mosquitoes swarm almost year-round perpetuating the threat of heart worm transmission. Fleas can adapt themselves to almost any environment and show up inside the walls of your home inflicting discomfort on you and your pet, as well as the threat of tapeworms. Ticks thrive in our thick vegetation and seem to become more commonplace during the cooler months. In addition, intestinal parasites such as hookworms, roundworm and whipworms can be found wherever pets reside. With so many parasites to go around, there is no wonder why they represent some of the more common problems I encounter as a veterinarian. Luckily, there are many preventatives on the market today that can provide complete protection for you and your pet. In fact, the plethora of choices can sometimes seem overwhelming.
At Seaside Veterinary Hospital, we want to make it easy for you to protect your pet(s) and your family from the threat of parasites. We offer several practical options that provide an umbrella of protection without getting bogged down in the wide range of choices. We are able to tailor your pets protection to his or her risk of exposure based on lifestyle. In addition, we want to make these choices affordable for you. Our top protocols include Trifexis, Heartgard, Bravecto, Revolution and Pro-Heart 6, among others. Please contact us to see which preventative is right for you.